Vampire’s Fall: Origins RPG Mod Apk 1.15.903 (Unlimited Everything-Gems)

Vampire's Fall: Origins RPG Mod Apk

Vampire’s Fall: Origins RPG Mod Apk by Stephanie Meyer is the first novel I’ve read that tackles the infamous vampire’s fall from grace. The novel is dark, rich in flavor and contains a large amount of twists and turns throughout the book. One thing I love about Vampire’s Fall is how it keeps its story focused on the characters and the conflict instead of going back and forth with romance and action. This novel is an excellent example of how a vampire story can be written, and I highly recommend it to anyone who hasn’t read the series “Vampire Lestat”.

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Set around a hundred years after the events in the series, “Vampire Lestat” tells the story of vampire hunters Mary, Paul, and Beth following the trail of the vampire’s fall to find the ancient Necromancer’s temple. There they find the ancient temple and learn that the current Vampire’s fall originates in the bloodline. Inside the temple, a warring between three factions has escalated into a bloody standoff.

Gigantic fight

The only way for either faction to win is for them to battle head on in what turns out to be a gigantic fight on the ground. While some may see this as a lazy way to write a story, I find it to be an effective method for developing the characters and tying up the plot quickly.

Powerful potion

In order for either faction to win the war, the humans need to make a powerful potion using the blood of a demon. The vampires, however, believe that the only way they can do so is to mass produce the potion using their own bloodline. The problem with this plan is that the bloodline doesn’t last long and eventually dies off.

Powerful artifact

The only way for the two factions to unite is for them to use a powerful artifact called the Helm which allows them to command their forces. To do this, they must travel to the town of Vampire’s Fall and enlist the help of one very special person. The novel does an excellent job of building up the mythology surrounding the world-wide event and tying in the tactical combat that follows.

Characters of your choose

Describing a setting in southern Pennsylvania while flying to Ohio to meet with the man who will change their history is quite impressive. Although the author introduces us to the various major characters, there isn’t a whole lot that makes you want to continue reading. I found myself wanting to drop the book after the first couple of chapters. This wasn’t a fault of the novel itself though, as the writing style isn’t bad but just a little dull. Still, I enjoyed the ride along with all the twists and turns.

Enhances my feelings

I’m a huge fan of the TomPKD series and this book further enhances my feelings. I particularly enjoyed reading about how Vanhels’ vampire loved life changed after he became a vampire. There’s even a short story about Vanhels and Bella dating in the second book. I especially like how the series combines romance with a little bit of tactical-combat. If you’ve read other Tom PKD novels, you know that he takes a military approach to his books. I liked that the series incorporates military jargon into the story.


Vampire’s Fall by L J Libiran is the start of a new series featuring Bella Swan, Edward Cullen, and Jacob Strong. I look forward to more in the series. I am eager to find out what happens after Twilight!

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